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Google is Testing a Way to Add All of a Site’s Subdomains to Search Console by @MattGSouthern

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Google Search Console is testing a way for users to easily add all data for a site’s subdomains, protocols, and subpaths.

In order to accomplish this, Google has created a new type of web property called a Domain property.

Adding a Domain property to Search Console would also add all protocol and subdomain variations for a given domain.

“For example, if you define a Domain property as “”, it includes, any subdomains of (for example,,,, and so on), as well as any subpaths in any of those domains, on both http and https.”

A Domain property contains data for all included URLs during the entire lifetime of the property, Google notes.

That means users cannot customize a Domain property to include the previous 2 months of data for the primary domain, but only the last month of data for a subdomain. It will include all available data by default.

Users will still be able to create separate Search Console properties for domains that are included in a Domain property if they want to.

Domain properties are currently in the experimental stage and available by invitation only. Users will be contacted via Search Console if they’re selected to participate.

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