Livestream from Shanghai: Tomorrow’s Agency of the Year Awards for Greater China | Advertising
For the first time, through a collaboration with Tencent, an Agency of the Year Awards ceremony will be livestreamed tomorrow night from Shanghai. Simply scan the QR code below to watch the ceremony live starting at 8 pm (Shanghai/HK/SG).
Visit the Agency of the Year 2016 main page to review the Greater China shortlist, as well as the shortlists and winners from the other regional sections, and to see photos of the shortlisted agencies and pictures from the awards events that have already taken place.
Overall, the Agency of the Year drew more than 900 entries this year, 257 of which were from Greater China. Tomorrow’s winners have been handpicked by a panel of 28 leading industry experts from Greater China.
2016 Agency of the Year Awards Greater China Livestream
December 6, 2016, 8 pm (Shanghai/HK/SG)
Simply scan the QR code above to begin livestreaming
Watch on QQ.com