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Marriott bellmen parkour through an obstacle course | Marketing

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The 35-minute film above, the third in a branded-content franchise launched by Marriott, takes place in Seoul, South Korea, and draws inspiration from, naturally, K-Pop.

The slick production made it seem like a real movie, until Ad Nut noticed the Marriott-branded uniforms visibly worn by actor-stuntmen William Spencer and Caine Sinclair as they went on a parkour, dance, and martial arts spree in and around the hotel to win a bellman competition.

The ‘Two Bellmen’ movie series is quite a fun and outside-the-box marketing endeavour, Ad Nut must say, with the Korean characters affording greater dramatic depth to the JW Marriott destination. After all, luxury hotels to Ad Nut are all but a blur with homogenous luxurious-looking interiors.

To capitalise on the release of the movie, Marriott is offering a “My Bellmen” package for its properties across Seoul, which includes a “Two Bellmen signature mobile phone charger” and a “choice of three custom concierge services from the famous Marriott Bellmen”. Hmmm, Ad Nut would actually like some fur-grooming and nut-portering services.

“Today’s millennials plan and travel differently, often accessing information via their peers or through other conversations they’re having on social media,” David Beebe, vice president of global creative and content marketing at Marriott International told Ad Nut.

In other words, ‘Two Bellmen Three’ will hopefully sway millennial audiences to quickly make bookings while gushing over Korean celebrities Ki Hong Lee and Jessica Jung, who play a couple getting married in the movie.

If you have time, you can watch the first and second films in the series, set in Los Angeles and Dubai, respectively, below:


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