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Top 5 Benefits of Mobile Websites

Kickstart Your Online Business With These 300+ Video Tutorials
[ad_1] Long gone are the days of placing an advertisement in the Sunday paper, hoping to reach the masses. In the instant information world of today, a website is a must-have for any company looking to seriously market to their target audience.

Traditional websites are good. However, in order to cater to mobile users, every business needs a mobile-friendly website.

Mobile websites are formatted to be accessed by mobile handheld devices such as iPhones, Tablets, Androids and the Blackberry; they load faster and make it easier for mobile users to find what they need.

mobile websites

Mobile websites also offer mobile-specific features like being able to click on a number and call it or location mapping that provides directions straight to your handheld device.

Why Should You Have Mobile Websites?

1. Mobile Internet Searching is HOT – 1 in 5 Google searches are performed on smartphones. Without a mobile-friendly website, you are essentially ignoring your mobile audience.

2. Local Consumers Are Using Mobile – Most local consumers perform “local” internet searches from their mobile devices. They are usually looking for information such as your phone number, hours of operations, directions, or information about your product or service.

3. Consumers Want and Expect Mobile Webites – When mobile users have a negative website viewing experience, they will usually leave the website and never return. Mobile websites create positive customer relations by eliminating the frustration and negative reactions that can be generated with a non-mobile-friendly website.

4. Mobile Websites Generate Sales – Mobile websites generate more sales because studies show that users are more likely to return to those websites – as well as likely to do business with companies that have mobile websites.

5. Mobile Websites Boost Your Brand – When mobile users come across websites that actually load quickly on their mobile devices, they are elated; and if the site is clean and simple to navigate, they love it even more. The fact is that many businesses today still do not have mobile websites, which means mobile users are still having negative website viewing experiences overall. By having a mobile-friendly website, your business gains credibility, as well as the edge over your close competitors.

With newer, better and more mobile devices being introduced to consumers every day, mobile internet usage will continue to grow. So there’s no better time than now to get mobile websites.

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